Project: 101101187 — SOLACE — EU4H-2022-PJ – EUROPEAN HEALTH AND DIGITAL EXECUTIVE AGENCY (HADEA) – EU4Health Programme (EU4H)

Topic name: Strengthening the screening of Lung Cancer in Europe
Budget of the project’s part for OEKP: 170.665 Euro total budget, project financing intensity: 80%, EU-funding: 136.532 Euro
Planned duration of the project: total project running from the 1st of April 2023, with planned duration of 36 months; tasks of OEKP planned to be completed by May 2025

This all-Eurpean project is brought to life by 37 European renomed professional healthy institutes, and provides lung cancer screening to higher risk population through low-dose chest CT diagnostic method.
Backed by the expertise and network of all relevant European societies and stakeholders, SOLACE will assess the current state of play, needs and best practice of Lung Cancer Screening (LCS) in EU member states and produce a comprehensive guideline and implementation package covering all steps of the lung cancer screening pathway: evidencebased guidelines, technical papers, SOPs, documents regarding quality assurance, methodology, benefit-harm balance,
cost-effectiveness. This package will be used to showcase de novo implementation. Moreover, SOLACE will design, plan and roll-out three pilot projects in 10 member states with more than 12000 participants to address key issues to increase participation: gender aspects, inequalities regarding hard-to-reach populations (social, ethnic, geographical) and higher risk individuals. Quality assurance, cost-effectiveness analysis with dedicated models for different healthcare systems, harms (radiation exposure, overdiagnosis, complications). SOLACE will establish the European Lung Cancer Screening Alliance (ELCSA) serving as a long-lasting interdisciplinary platform as a backbone for sustained implementation in all member states.

Projekt ID nr.: TOP_PLUSZ-3.3.2-21-BA1-2022-00010
Beneficiary: „Az Ormánság Egészségéért” Nonprofit Kft.
Project title: „Helyi egészségügyi és szociális infrastruktúra fejlesztése
Funded amount: 224.999.999,- Ft
Intensity: 100 %
The project: Infrastructural development of Ormansah Health Center.
Planned project completion date: 2025.03.31.

Projekt ID nr.: EFOP-1.8.19-17-2017-00016
Beneficiary: „Az Ormánság Egészségéért” Nonprofit Kft.
Project title: „Komplex prevenciós program a Sellyei járásban”
Funded amount: 83.504.833,- Ft
Intensity: 100 %
The project: Establishment of Health Promotion Office, employment of specialists. Organization of complex prevention programs and events in the region.
Planned project completion date: 2018.05.01-2020.04.30.

Projekt ID nr.: GINOP-6.1.5-17-2018-00126
Beneficiary: „Az Ormánság Egészségéért” Nonprofit Kft.
Project title: „Munkahelyi képzések megvalósítása az \”Ormánság Egészségéért\”Kft.-nél
Funded amount: 10.000.000,- Ft
Intensity: 100 %
The project: Communications and IT training involving 17 persons

Planned project completion date: 2018.12.01-2019.12.07.